Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Conversation with Babs

Yes, that's right Babs.
Last night at bedtime she was sitting on CG's lap. They were looking at a cute little glowing sea horse toy that we got for our niece for her birthday.

CG: pushes the belly to make it play music
Babs: looking at me "whazat?"
Me: "It's the seahorse playing music."
Babs: "oh"
CG: pushes the belly to make it play music again
Babs: looking at me "whazat?"
Me: "It's the seahorse playing music."
Babs: "oh"
CG: pushes the belly to make it play music again
Babs: looking at me "whazat?"
Me: "It's the seahorse playing music."
Babs: "oh"

We were both laughing at this point. Each time she was completely serious. I have a feeling that the conversations around here are going to get pretty interesting in the years to come!


Brad and Jenn said...

I love the conversations with a one year old! That cracks me up!

jillytacy said...

This is soooo cute! Aren't kids the funniest! I love it when they are first learning to talk. Of course we have some pretty interesting and at times hilarious conversations with a four year old too!

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Conversations with kids are the best. You just never know what's going to come out of their mouths!

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