Imagine my surprise when I received an email from Jana, of Meanest Mom fame, that I had actually won! And the prize that I won was fabulous. It was an adorable little name sign from Farm House Five Art 4 Kids. Here is where my dilemmas came in. My girls share a room so I couldn't exactly get a sign for one and not the other. Plus, they don't have all that much wall space and I'm weird about putting things over their beds because I'm paranoid about things falling off the wall during an earthquake. Yes, I know, I'm weird. I considered having a sign made with our last name but figured that there wasn't a piece of wood big enough to fit it. So, I did the only obvious thing there was to do.....I got if for Baby Fi's room.

There are some seriously cute products on this site. I love the wallpaper letters and might use those in my girls' room since, even if they were to fall off the wall during an earthquake, it wouldn't hurt that much. I also loved the A to Z Wallpaper Cutouts. There is something there for just about everyones decorating tastes and children's styles. So if you've been looking for something to complete a room, head on over! And buy me something while you're at it!
yay you!!!!! and that sign is AWESOME!!!!!!!
That sign is completely adorable. Congrats!
So cute! You are sweet for giving it to Fi. Suzy is going to love it too.
It is so adorable and perfect for Fiona's room. She will love knowing her auntie gave it to her, too. xoxoxo
Shut up!!! It's so cute! I love it and so will Fi!
Congrats! Too cute! Love the name Fiona!
How fun is winning stuff?!?!? Really heading to that site now. What else is there to do on a friday night in New york city??
see, you're not lame, YOU'RE A WINNER!
Congrats on winning that darling sign!
What an adorable sign! I love it!!
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