Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Technology is a beautiful thing. Beautiful. And I just can not seem to keep up with it! Blogging, Vlogging, Facebooking,'s all fabulous. And yet I can't keep up! How do you do it?! No really, HOW DO YOU DO IT ALL?!?!

I really enjoying blogging, but does anyone actually remember the last time I posted anything even mildly entertaining? Anyone? Buehler?! I enjoy Vlogs. Other people's Vlogs. I don't Vlog. The beauty of a blog is that I don't have to be a beauty to write it. I can write in my jammies. Without make-up. Or basic personal hygiene. I probably couldn't Vlog in my jammies. Plus, with a Vlog, you'd be able to hear my voice. And let me tell you, it's not a pretty sound. Kind of like Minnie Mouse. On helium. And probably with a funny accent that everyone but me can hear. Last night a telemarketer started laughing when I told him how old I was because he didn't believe me. But I figure that even though I won't look young forever, at this rate, I will sound young forever.

The thing I love about Facebook is reading people's updates. I try to come up with clever updates but I usually end up talking about our dog running away or carpet. Riveting. And Twitter. Seriously, I'm the biggest dork on Twitter. I think it's distinctly possible that I'm just not getting it. Twitter is just not that into me.

I think I need a Technological Intervention.

On a completely unrelated note, my face still hurts. Is it supposed to still hurt a week later? Is that normal? I really don't know. But it is annoying.

Sometimes I wonder if I might possibly be a little ADD.


Kristina P. said...

This is why I don't Twitter. It's too much!!!

Missy said...

I do not Twitter. Hate it!
I have a Facebook, but only to touch base with distant (miles) family. Otherwise, Hate it!
I blog and I love it! Blogging is about all I can handle. I couldn't do this if I didn't have sleeping problems! BTW, I love your posts!

Trace said...

I love your posts too! I couldn't Vlog either because my voice is too LOW!!! I sound like a man on all of our videos. :( So, be happy that you can at least tell your gender by your cute voice. lol
As for twitter, I signed up, tweeted once, and realized I neither care nor desire to know what everyone is doing every second of every day. FB is convenient and I seem to be better at staying up to date there than I am with my blog.
But, when it comes down to it I think blogging is the best way to share pics and stories etc. with people. They choose to visit and/or comment, plus it is my family journal until I have time to scrapbook. Since that day may NEVER come!!!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

I think that secretly we all feel this way, lol! ;D

Stephanie said...

I think you voice is great and unique. You could totally vlog. I am not so talented at writing or whatnot, but I blog for myself. I figure I am my own audience. You are witty though...look at your cool title...I wish I had a cool one.

Messy Musings said...

When was the last time you blogged anything "even mildly entertaining"?..... ummmm - that would be TODAY - and all the days before that!!

Amber said...

I'm feeling the same way. I left the CBC feeling like a blogging failure who was completely technologically inept. On top of that I don't write good stuff.

peewee said...

I just read other peoples tweets. I only tweet when I am mad at a company or something. No one listens. But I like to feel I have some consumer power! HAH!

jillytacy said...

Isn't technology supposed to make life easier? Why does it seem like we're running to keep up with the technology? With all these great ways to communicate I had to draw the line somewhere or become overwhelmed. I blog occasionally(very occasionally- school vacations)and answer e-mails but I don't do Twitter or Facebook. It's just too much for me so I can't help with how to balance it all. Goodluck!

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