Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Favorite-Gardner Village at Halloween

If I'm being perfectly honest, I love Gardner Village any time of the year.  But they really know how to do Halloween. 

Gardner Village is in my DNA.  I have been going there since before it was called Gardner Village.  Our wedding reception was there.  I take my girls almost every year to see the witches, along with other times of the year.  It's a part of us. 

Family trips over the years......
 Ride With A Witch

Somewhere I have a picture of Lolly and I when she was a cute little lap baby.  Sadly, I can't find it anywhere.  Or any of the other Gardner Village pictures. 

A few weeks ago I got to go to a fun blogger get together at Gardner Village to start off the witchy season right.  We got a whirl wind tour of all their shops and spent a little extra time in a few of my favorites.  I even got a few pictures of a few of my favorite things.

And caught a glimpse of some of the local witch life.  The hula hooping one is a favorite.
And my favorite quote of the night was from the lovely Carly of Living The Scream.  As we were walking into a shop she said, "This is so fun!  I really like you guys!" 
Highlite Photography also located at Gardner Village
 **This Blogger's Night Out was sponsored by Gardner Village and My Craft Channel.  All Gardner Village trips, obsessions, fabric ogling and most pictures are my own.**


Kristina P. said...

It's always such a fun place to be!

Emily said...

Absolutely LOVE Gardner Village--except when it's super crowded during WitchFest. ;)

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