Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Catching Up On Life....Or Something

It's weird to think that so much time has passed since I last posted.  I've missed this.  I wish I could share all the exciting things we've been up to, but frankly I can't remember them.  The last few weeks have been a blur of physical therapy and my pathetic attempts to keep up on life.  So to catch us all up we're going to do a quick review.  I know!  So exciting!

Halloween was fun.  We partied hard and our party atmosphere was not even dampened by my getting pulled over.  More on that another time....

Here are the girls ready for trick or treating.  Hermione on the left, Ginny on the right.

Even CG got in on the action.  He was a Death Eater.

I was Professor Trelawny, but we didn't get a picture of all of us together.  Some years it happens; this year it didn't. 

I voted.  So did CG but I don't have a picture of him.

Lolly lost another tooth and the Tooth Fairy was exposed for what she truly is....flaky and forgetful.  Thankfully she managed to redeem herself but did give away the location of her homeland.  The tag on the Hello Kitty socks said "Made in Honduras" so the secret is out....the Tooth Fairy lives in Honduras.  And buys local. 

We also had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration that included a fabulous, home-cooked meal, all of which was gluten free.   
Oh, and we've gone gluten free now.  But more on that later....


Emily said...

Gluten free? I don't know you anymore! ;)

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

It's because it's been so long since we got together. Let's try again soon. In all your free time. ;o)

Kristina P. said...

You and ypur stupid Gluten Free is ruining my life! :)

Your fudge was delicious, though.

Jessica G. said...

Gluten free and an avid voter? What is the world coming to?

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