Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

All Things Good Giveaway

Since I'm enjoying all the excitement from the Flaky Friend giveaway and the Giveaway Carnival, I decided to hit my mom up for sponsorship of another giveaway. Being the generous woman that she is, she offered $25 to her online store All Things Good. This is a super good deal because everything on her site is currently 25% off with an additional 20% off orders over $100. And orders over $100 get another $25 gift card for your next purchase.

Everything that I've gotten I have enjoyed. If you're into some retro kitchen decor then this is perfect. And it's also in my kitchen so that must make it fabulous! This pineapple hand cream is absolutely yummy. And my favorite bird feeder. CG has this zen garden in his office and although he has been mocked on occasion, every mocker ends up playing with it before they leave! ;o)

Basically, there is something for everyone. The rules for this giveaway are the same as the last. Just leave a comment and I'll randomly pick a winner. The giveaway will go until midnight on August 5. If you link back to me from your blog, let me know and you get an extra entry into the drawing. Also, there's more giveaway fun over at Bloggy Giveaways.

Let the fun begin!


Blessings Abound said...

Wohoo, the first comment! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mommyton said...

Wow so many neat things to pick from I hope I wim

Jeanette J said...

I would like to enter if Canadians are allowed

Blessings Abound said...

This would be great! Thanks!

Bunny B said...

Ooo.. lovely stuff!! I wanna win :) Thank you!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Ginny said...

What a great giveaway, love to win this gc!

Julie said...

I would love to try some of that stuff!

Angie(quillysilly) said...

I see she has fav!!

BTW I really love the photo of DEXTER in your sidebar. I love those upclose nose shots!! So funny!!

GoneGirl said...

Sounds like we could snag a good deal!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Gale said...

Thanks a bunch!

Lisa said...

some pretty cool stuff, lol I think Dexter is rather cute.

Anonymous said...

Lots of goodies to pick from. Thanks for the chance.

Mistress Meeyee said...

Please count me in too! I would like a gift card to her store!

Anonymous said...

I'd like the grapevine wine bottleholder! Thanks for hosting!


Unknown said...

it all looks good to me!

Tara said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Liz said...

Please enter me I'm still checking out the store making my wish list

Anonymous said...

This would be awesome. Thanks so much!!

Kathleen said...

Aww, you guys are both so rad! I just love your flaky friends (still wanna trade them for mine!) and your mom's shop is making me want to get a second job!

Thanks for another awesome giveaway! :)

Fae said...

great products! i would love to pick out something nice!

Anonymous said...

Pineapple hand cream... you have my attention. Thanks for the chance.

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

That's so nice of your mom. Thanks.

Tammy said...

Thanks for the chance.

AudreyO said...

Thanks for this great contest!

pierce said...

That is so adorable of the two of you! Thanks a lot lady of perpetual chaos, lol :)

Re said...

thanks for a great giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

they have a lot of interesting things! so much to choose from.

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

wow she does something for everyone doesn't she!

thanks for the giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

I blogged about ya right there!

Anonymous said...

That was very generous of your mom! She has so many things!

email lollypopperz at gmail dot com

Katy said...

I would love the chance to win!!! Thank you! :)

Paula Reece said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! Can't wait to look around your mom's store!

Anonymous said...

Count me in to win this great giveaway!

Kimberly said...


Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Ohhh, lots of neat stuff in that store.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

This is a very attractive prize!

Please include me and thanks so much,
kjmt42 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

P.S. I am giving away a wonderful book about the French lifestyle.

N said...

What a neat giveaway!

Millie said...

Your site is very nice! Thanks for the chance to win this cool prize!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

captain_lisaad (at) yahoo (dot) com

Debbie said...

Fun! Don't know how I'd pick what to get - it's all so cute. Thanks.

Betsy said...

Please enter me!

holliberri said...

Cool store - I think my husband would like The Thinker bookends. :-)

hedwards25 @gmail. com

Unknown said...

This is a great giveaway. Please enter me. ppreacherswife at gmail dot com

She Became a Butterfly said...

i love the angel candleholder!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the chance to win!


TinaW said...

Thanks for this. tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com

CrystalGB said...

Wow, what a great store. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Kathleen W. said...

They have a little bit of everything there! I'd probably get the Craft tools set, as my craft stuff is scattered all over the place. Thanks!

buzzd said...

They have cute things..thanks for the contest!

Julie Donahue said...

Great giveaway!

Amber said...

Wow! They have a lot of great things at All Things Good. Thanks for the giveaway!

Momof4 said...

Thanks to your mom for her generous giveaway! I'd love a chance to win a g.c. to her shop. :-)

Jodi said...

Really cute products, I love the bird feeder.


rlgrady said...

Thanks! The pineapple hand cream sounds right up my alley!

rlgrady [at] yahoo dot com

Jessica said...

I hope I win! Thanks for the giveaway!

swinger of birches said...

A lot of nice things to pick from I hope I win!

Wehaf said...

Thanks to you and your mom! I would use the card to get the Ginger Therapy Gift Set.

urchiken at gmail dot com

kamewh said...

Very nice!! Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win.

Alitheia said...

Sounds like awesome stuff =) Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

What a neat site! I love the kids' books on there especially. I see you and I have similar taste in books as well, you should stop by my book blog sometime. The link is in my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

These are great things!!!!!
Please enter humble little moi...

Mrs. Sara said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

saharagreen at gmail dot com

toohotforturtle said...

Your mom's store looks pretty interesting. Thanks for the giveaway

Julie said...

Cool giveaway!

Sweetpeas said...

Great variety to choose from, awesome!

mulltc said...

I would love to try something out from the store - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance and thank mama too!

peggie dot loden at gmail dot com

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Sounds great!

pam said...

There are such a variety of things on the website. Decisions, decisons. Thanks so much.

groovyteach said...

so many nice things! thanks for the giveaway.

silverhartgirl said...

There is a lot of nice things there

Jenn said...

Hi! I joined the last one, with link backs and subscribtion and the works. This sounds wonderful! Thanks for hosting it.

Trish said...

Your mom must really love you to offer you a gift card to give away! :) j/k. Thanks for the chance to win! trishblack(at)juno(dot)com

37 Questions said...

Great contest, thanks!

Alyce said...

Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I love the Christmas Cake Stand Holder. The moment I saw it I know that it was the gift I wanted for my baby sitter! I always go over to her house for the holidays, and she is an amazing cook, this would be so cute!

Dani' said...

OOH how to pick? great stuff solta(at)hotmaildotcom

sphinx63 said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

Ticopi said...

Nice giveaway; can't wait to check out the store!

Unknown said...

Nice webstore. I really like the kitchen section. $25 could go a long way :)

Melissa M. said...

Looks like a good variety of stuff on the web-site.


Karen said...

Very nice items!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

family said...

Looks like a great variety of stuff to choose from! Thanks for the giveaway!


The Random Muse said...

So much neat stuff, that would be a hard decision.

Kristan said...

i like all of the variety offered.

Suzie Williams said...

So many cool goodies to choose from! There's something for everyone there.

mishmish said...

Nice website, alot of great products.

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Count me in.

Laurel said...

hey that's great!

Anonymous said...

This would be fun!

Vetstadium said...

I am entering for my wife thanks for having the contest.

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting. Your moms store is huge!

Blogger said...

What a fun place to shop, thanks for the contest :)


Gardening Mommy said...

What a huge store! Thanks for the giveaway!

fivewinks said...

Thanks for the giveaway.
fivewinks (at) cox (dot) net

Kristofer said...

i heart your fun giveaway . . . this would be a great one to win! thanks. kristen.


Claire Roach said...

Say thanks to your mom from us! All Things Good looks like a fun store! Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com said...

I love contests!


misty said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity.

planetmisty at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

cool prizes!


Angi said...

i would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!

T said...

pick me pick me!!!

Christi S said...

Looks like some great stuff there! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Looks good! Thanks!

ann77 at

The Chatty Housewife said...

Thank you so much for a great giveaway! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

Lori said...

its been a really bad week, I could use some retail therapy.

Editor Cassandra said...

irrelevantheart (AT) gmail (DOT) com !!

Unknown said...

Great store! I would love to win this

Katrina said...

I would love to win! Thanks!

janetfaye said...

Please enter me!

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I blogged your giveaway

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Meredith said...

I like the Exotic Market Oudoor planter set. A nice colloection of things. I wish MY Mom had a store!!

purplepassion126 said...

Lots of great stuff on her site--I'm gonna do some shopping!

Karen Coutu said...

I took a look around and they have some really cute things! Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! She has some really great items!!


Anonymous said...

Lovely things on her site. Hope I win :)


Anonymous said...

Wow - lots of fun stuff! :) Thanks for the chance to win! :)


Anonymous said...

There are so many great things to win!


Molly C. said...

I would have so much fun spending tis! lol

Anonymous said...

I love the dolls


Ellie Wright said...

Lots of fun items! By the adorable is Dexter??!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!

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