Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Monday, February 23, 2009

An Act of Bravery

This weekend I went to The Blunch hosted by the fabulous Kristina P. Now, this may seem like a simple thing, but for the socially inept, such as myself, it was literally an Act of Bravery. I'm happy to report that every single woman there (and one very brave man) were so super nice and absolutely amazing. There was no shunning or tar-and-feathering. It was great. And what, you may be asking yourself, was I doing there lunching with a group of such wonderful lady-bloggers?! I was trying to be cool like them. Hopefully I've picked up a few things!


Kristina P. said...

You seemed very comfortable! I'm glad you were able to come and have a good time. It was so nice to meet you!

Just SO said...

I'm so glad I got to sit across from you! But I feel terrible that I can't remember your name. I'm going to have to head over to Kristina's to figure that out. I'm SO bad with stuff like this. But it was way fun to get to meet you and talk with you. I'll be blog stalking from now on.

Just SO said...

Oh my word. I can't believe that I couldn't remember Sari. Even after we talked about how it was spelled and everything. I'm a loser.

Jessica G. said...

Hey, it was great to chat with you and Amelia. And now I know where your blog is so there will be no getting rid of me!

Jo said...

Nope no shunning. Just a dumb lady who struggled with your name. I think I have it down now, I have been practicing. You were a great seat mate and I loved getting to meet you.

Amber said...

I'm so glad I left my tar and feathers at home. Whew.


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