CG is a hard core vanilla guy. Vanilla ice cream. Vanilla Frosties. Just vanilla. I, on the other hand, am not really into vanilla. It's like ice cream before they add the flavor. When we were first dating, we met a couple of my "old" college roommates and their husbands for ice cream at Iceberg's. He ordered a vanilla shake. A VANILLA SHAKE!!! I almost broke it off right then because I was so appalled. Who goes to a place with a gazillion different flavors of ice cream and orders vanilla?! It turns out that CG does. Obviously, I did not break up with him over it and we're married now. But this has not stopped me from mocking him about it.
Last night we headed out to pick up our new appliances. I had told the girls that we would get ice cream cones on our way out because.....well, there's no real logical reason but that's what I said I would do. Guess what CG ordered? That's right.....vanilla. Now guess what I ordered. Oh, the predictability of us....I ordered chocolate. As for the girls, they both wanted the chocolate-vanilla twist cone. It's only fitting that when a vanilla and chocolate get married, their children are the perfect combination of them both.

Yes, it was very messy and it had CG twitching. But, I'd do it all over again and probably will. I can always clean up the mess, but I can never replace those fun, and messy, memories we made.
I am SOOOO with you! I love to buy ice cream that has all sorts of chunky goodness in it.
oh, iceberg's, how i miss thee!
i can't believe they even sell plain vanilla.
Lolly looks like she's feeling better.
Be eternally grateful that you take after me, because as you may recall, your dear beloved father is also a vanillaholic/compulsive/addicted/can not be changed lover of all things vanilla, especially ice cream. It may be why he gets along so well with CG. Just picture your little family only eating vanilla as genetically dictated. You would miss all the yummy choclate mint, luscious strawberry, rocky road etc. wonderful flavors there are. It makes scrubbing out the carseats each time worth it all. xoxoxo
Ah, the polarity, lol. I love that the girls are a mix. Too funny. And nice shot of the carseat.
Gotta love those twist cones! Thank God for scotch guard!
Such a very funny post. Ah, life with toddlers is never dull or clean, is it?
PS: Does your Mom comment on your site? How fun! I wish my Mom would do the same. She still sends me e-mail after she reads anything. It is super! :)
I would get the twist too. Your girls have good taste. And messy, very, very messy. You are a good mom.
I like the vanilla cone DIPPED in chocolate. For what it's worth.
peewee...there's a local grocery store that has an ice cream place and they have chocolate ice cream that can be dipped in cherry! So, so yummy.
Thanks Jo! You're fabulous!
Francesca...Happy Granny is my mom!
I think I need to go get a yummy, candy chunky shake.....
one look at the last photo and i am reminded of my no dairy products in the car rule!! what can i say my children are very deprived!
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