Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oink Oink

Remember how I've been whining about being sick lately? Well, I now have swine flu. But I also have Tamiflu, so we're good. And from the stories I've read about swine flu, I've gotten off pretty easy. Knock on wood. The doctor said that since I've had a virus lately, it made me more susceptible to catching swine flu. He said I probably just picked it up while grocery shopping or something. I officially blame Albertson's, where I went shopping on Friday. It's entirely their fault that I was so sick-zombie like that I forgot to wipe down the cart before using it.

Anywho....don't forget to enter the Dr. Mom kit giveaway that ends tonight or whenever I get around to picking a winner. Isn't that an ironic giveaway to be having this week.


Kristina P. said...

Sounds like it could be a lot worse! Feel better soon.

Happy Granny said...

You need to win your own giveaway!
Get better soon xoxoxo

Steph said...

The piggy flu... OH NO!

I hope you get to feeling better.

And the pictures of the halloween party are priceless. soooooo cute.

Helena said...

I live in the same town as the first ever British Swine-flu couple to be diagnosed. No other cases have made it to the papers since back in April so I guess we're lucky here!

Poor you! God knows where germs and viruses land! You certainly judged the giveaway with apt

Suze said...

We got hit with that was like a 3 day headache and cough a thon, then poof...gone. Thank goodness for Tamiflu! Feel better soon!

Harlem's A Hatin said...

Get well soon!

Jill K said...

Oh no! Well, I guess it's good that you know what it is and can take care of it.

Feel better soon! I'll punch a pig for you.

rychelle said...

"i'll punch a pig for you" - hahahaha. jill is a true friend!

get better soon!

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