Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bathing Beauties

My shower used to be my "me time". It used to be a time of reflection and quiet thought with little to no interruption. I even shower in the evening so that I can be kid free and not have to worry about which piece of furniture is being climbed or destroyed while I enjoy my peace and quiet.

But that is no more. My cute little Lolly-girl has a tendency towards bladder infections and the doctor suggested that we forgo baths in favor of showers to help prevent future infections. This is not unfamiliar to me because I had the same problems as a child. But she's not a big fan of water, especially if it's on her face. And, seeing as I had the same issue, I try to make it as non-scary for her as possible. And taking a shower without getting water on your face can be quite a challenge.

So, I decided that it would probably be easiest if she just showers with me. No big deal. It would be something cool that big girls get to do. We've only done it a few times, but last night she told me that she wants to take a shower with me now instead of a bath. I'd call that a success.

But, back to my showering experience. You have truly not experienced life until you have had hot pink roll-on soap rubbed all over your badonkadonk butt while the roller (Lolly) sings "Tell Me The Stories of Jesus". Life will never be the same.


Anonymous said...

Bwahahahaha! Hot pink roll-on soap that sings "Tell me the stories. . ." while being rolled on your butt. I'm rolling on the floor.

Kristina P. said...

Hehee! This made me giggle. Only giggle because I'm at work. :)

Trace said...

Trace likes to sing "I am a child of God" while he poops. At least we know they are learning in Primary.

zoo keeper said...

you know sari that gives me such a visual!! your slowley but shurely giving me the confidence to be more brutaly honest about my life as a mom!
i love your guts!

zoo keeper said...

you know sari that gives me such a visual!! your slowley but shurely giving me the confidence to be more brutaly honest about my life as a mom!
i love your guts!

zoo keeper said...

you know sari that gives me such a visual!! your slowley but shurely giving me the confidence to be more brutaly honest about my life as a mom!
i love your guts!

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