Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kitchen Remodel Part 1

We have officially started our kitchen remodel. CG has taken down the majority of our upper cabinets. All 4 of them. We just have one other upper cabinet to take down that currently has all of our dishes in it, but we're waiting until we have the others up and the counter cleared of all that belongs in those cabinets before we tackle that last one. Of course, I have some pictures for your enjoyment/mocking.

Here's a before picture. Aren't you impressed with my domestic skills. Some days I just lack the energy to have a sparkling clean kitchen. Or sparkling clean anything, really. But my girls look super cute and happy so it's all good.
This is a current picture of our cabinet-less wall. Beautiful, yes?
Our microwave. Up on blocks. Classy.
And here is a drawing of what it will look like.....eventually.
Wish us luck!


Kristina P. said...

Good luck! I hope it gets done quickly.

Jo said...

I HATE the process of remodeling, but love the finished product. Good luck!

Just SO said...

Good luck! So you are getting rid of the little L shaped counter? May I ask why? More room? Will you lose cabinet space?

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

We actually are taking out the L shaped counter so we'll have more cupboard space and have a better flow in the kitchen. It's hard to tell from the drawing, but we don't have a lot of dining room space so this new floor plan will make things run smoother. We're doing the upper cabinets for the next week and a half and then the crazy will really set in and we'll be doing the lower cabinets. CG has taken a week off to do that so hopefully it will go quickly and things won't be too chaotic. As messy as it seems, I'm still able to cook and do meals pretty normal....for us, at least. ;o) I'll be posting more pictures along the way because I know you're all waiting breathlessly for each update! ;o)

Jody said...

I think you should paint it YELLOW. I think I could tell you the exact color if you need it. ;)

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

jwjustme.....ha kitchen already is yellow! Your favorite color! ;o)

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