Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Power To The Pink

I'm the real biggest loser and was up until midnight last night watching the finale of The Biggest Loser so we wouldn't accidentally find out today who won before we watched it. Isn't it ironic that watching that show always makes me feel like eating junk food from a ziploc bag and chewing gum?!

Some other random, self absorbed updates to share.....I think I'm getting sick. Yesterday I put the girls in our double wide and went for a walk. While we were out my asthma started bothering me so I figured it had something to do with all the beautiful foliage and was no big deal. Turns out, may not be allergies. But of course I went to enrichment last night before figuring that out. My apologies to anyone who happened to sit near me. My stupidity is my greatest enemy.

We have a soccer game today. And I can't pick up Babs without getting out of breath. Yay asthma! Yay whining!

After some significant internet research, it's looking like our old camera isn't fixable and we're in the market for a new one. I looked at cameras online yesterday and was totally overwhelmed. If anyone has some tips or suggestions about a new camera please feel free to share.

I need to do some spring cleaning. I even printed off a handy dandy checklist. Now I just need to find the time and energy to actually accomplish the things on that list. And with all the wonderful things on that list to do, here I sit......blogging......


rychelle said...

i find the biggest looser to be both inspiring and depressing.

i hope you feel better soon!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

I actually have never watched the biggest loser which maybe makes me the biggest loser!!! YIKES!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon. My camera is a kodak easy share its easy to use and takes great pics and even video and its really not expensive either, but then I dont know what your looking for...I was just giving you 2 cents worth..hehe

Suzie said...

I love my camera. It takes great pictures and got me through two trips to Europe. It's a Sony which tends to be expensive. My trick was that I bought the previous year's model. It was tons cheaper even though it was pretty much the same as the newer model.

Kristina P. said...

I'm with Rychelle. Except for the inspiring part.

hairyshoefairy said...

I really like my little point and shoot. It's a canon digital elph sd780 (I think that's the number??). The lens helps your photos turn out really nice. I'm coveting a DSLR, though. Maybe someday when I have buckets of cash just lying around.

Missy said...

Sounds like swine flu! LOL

Just SO said...

If you are looking for a point and shoot then the Nikon L100 is pretty good. It says that you aren't supposed to use rechargeable batteries in it which is bizarre. If you want one where you can change the aperture and shutter speed go with a Nikon D series. I know a lot of people who start out with D40 or D60.
If you see one you like go read some reviews and see what other people think.

Elizabeth said...

Not much camera advice. My ten year old daughter just bought herself a great Fuji digital...the menu tells you everything & she takes great shots. Just a point & shoot.

I did last year's Spring cleaning in the Fall... :P

peewee said...

I LOVE TO DO LISTS!! Because it makes me feel like I DID something and then I can go back to TV and Blogs and US weekly!

Jo said...

Love, love, love my Nikon D60. It isn't a point and shoot, but on auto, it is just as easy to use.

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