Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another Reason To Be Jealous of CG

Yes, there are many many reason to be jealous of CG.  The main reason being these two...
Seriously, they are the two cutest girls ever!  Plus, he has an amazingly neurotic wife with a touch of the ADD and a dog that keeps running away.  And a house that is slowly falling apart.  And the car. 

But now!  CG is the proud owner of a SMART PHONE!!!  The kind of smart phone where you can download apps and stuff.  Or maybe it's upload.  Either way, apps will be involved.  SO, my smart phone friends, what are your favorite apps?  And why?  Where did you get them?  And how much do they cost?  We need all the details people!!! 

And yes, I am insanely jealous.  Thanks for asking.


Kristina P. said...

It's too bad you can't even get a 1998 phone.

Brady + Marsha said...

Fun at the zoo and Ricochet: Speck's Adventure. Both are Brady's so I'm a little biased.

jillytacy said...

I have a droid and use mostly free apps. I use a lot of them for school, like the stopwatch. Of course CJ will need angry birds to play. For the girls I recommend Zebra paint which is a coloring book. If you have Netflix you want the netflix app and I recommend google music app too. It gives me access to all of my music anywhere I go.

Emily said...

Woo hoo! Now just teach him how to take a decent pic with it and you're good to go! ;)

Barbaloot said...

I know nothing about apps, but those are darling girls!!

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