They had everything from yummy bread to fancy cakes to flavored milk to handmade soap. And cheese. Don't forget the cheese. Even though I don't actually have any pictures of cheese.
The root beer milk made a lasting impression on my family. Such an impression, that when CG was in Logan, Utah last week for work he may have just stopped by the Gossner Foods Factory to get some squeaky cheese and ended up coming home with cheese and a case of both root beer flavored milk and cookies and cream milk. All of which is very yummy.
And of course, we hung out at the Utah Truffles table. A couple of different times. Not only are they the BEST truffles EVER (I think dark chocolate mint is my favorite), but my wonderful friend Brinda was there. She was on my team for Tour de Donut and still likes me even though it took me forever to finish. We won't talk about how someone can work for a chocolate company and still be that skinny.
The one thing that struck me the most about this event (besides the yummy food) was how heartfelt they were. The people there were not just another faceless employee. This company is a part of who they are. The business success is their personal triumphs. It's so endearing. And so rare.
I even got a little side of public humiliation as I rode the blender bike at the Walmart booth. Thankfully, CG did not get any video of that, but cute Lolly got a chance to ride and had a great time! Also, I want one of those bikes for my house.
As a side note, I learned that night that Walmart buys all of it's in-season fruit from local growers. I'm a big fan of buying local whenever possible but shopping at Walmart helps me out with my budget so it's nice to hear they're making the effort to give business to local growers.
And of course we had to make a stop at the Little Hands on the Farm! My girls loved it and even remembered it from the last time we were there.
And, really, where else can you get such fabulous photo opportunities with large farming equipment?! Without getting in trouble, that is....
These girls even make farming equipment adorable.
**We were given tickets to the State Fair by representatives of Utah's Own. All opinions, flavored milk love, chocolate obsessions and cute children are my own.**
Utah Truffles are TOTALLY the best! I'm jealous I wasn't there sampling all those yummy things with you.
Utah Truffles are the best, and now they sell them at WalMart. They have a full display of all the flavors at one of the check out isles. Glad you had fun at the fair!
Looks like SO much fun!
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