Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


So, you know those posts that are kind of awkward to write because you don't really know where to start because you're kind of in the middle and the beginning is a little muddled?  Yep, it's going to be one of those posts.  So fun.  You'll all be thanking me when you're done.  Assuming you read it to the end....

January.  It was crazy.  I don't think I blogged much in January.  Do you know how I know when life has gotten way too crazy?  I stop taking pictures.  I'm always taking pictures.  It's kind of my thing.  And do you know how many pictures I took in January?  Yep, that's right....a big fat zero.  None.  Nada.  Nothing.  And that, my friends, is rare.  I even took pictures when I had the swine flu.  Seriously.  This is alarming.

As we hurtled toward the end of January I began to feel that things weren't right.  Don't get me wrong, everything is great.  But things were a little too crazy.  It was all with good things, but these good things were pulling me away from the most important things.  I found myself in a "good, better, best" situation.  And I needed to draw a line somewhere and dial back the crazy.

Do you know what happens when I do that?  The lid on the washing machine falls on my face breaking my nose.  Again.  For the FIFTH TIME.  Which leads me to doctor which leads to surgery in this particular situation.  Perfect timing.   

I've known for a couple of weeks that it was coming so I've been trying to prepare.  I've attempted (and failed) to organize my bedroom.  I've attempted to keep up with the house chores.  But mostly I've spent my time preparing my girls.  Babs is too young to be really upset by the situation, but Lolly is my little worrier.  She's also of the communication style of her mother that I lovingly refer to as "fester and rot".  It's been a bit of a challenge but I think they're both comfortable with it and won't worry too much.

The other thing I felt necessary to do to prepare for surgery?  Cut off all my hair and donate it to Locks of Love.  I was planning on doing it anyway, but I have found from personal experience that really long hair and surgery are not a good combination for me.  So, last week we chopped it off.
I'm pretty happy with the results and am now spending a lot less time doing my hair.  It was long enough that it took 30 minutes to get it most of the way dry with a hair dryer.  Now it takes...less minutes.

Seeing as I actually had surgery yesterday (I love posting options!) I'm hoping that at this exact moment I'm resting and feeling amazed and how painless this surgery has been.  Especially since I can't take pain pills.  It's Extra Strength Tylenol all the way baby.

As for the blog....I have no idea when I'll be posting again.  But I hope you enjoy the cat picture I posted yesterday.  I sure have. ;o)

And, just as an added bonus, here is a picture of my cute girls in a giant chair.  Because that just makes everyone happy.


Barbaloot said...

The washing machine broke your nose? I'm not doing a very good job picture how that happened...

Hope surgery went well and recovery is going even better!

Kristina P. said...

Holy crap! I feel like a horrible friend. I had no idea you were having surgery, let along HAD surgery. I can bring you trashy magazines like I bring to Steph!

Alveybunch said...

Sending our prayers and thoughts your way. May your recovery be quick. Sorry that you had to go through this again! Love ya!

Carrie said...

Love the "French Kiss" reference. Hope the surgery went well and the extra strength tylenol is working (I'm in the same boat--allergic to a lot of pain killers).

Scottkids said...

Hello!!!!!!!!!! It's so good to see your cute faces! Hope the nose is all better! I've been slacking in the blog Department, but hopefully I'm back! ;)

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