We started off the week with a little family coloring on Sunday, thanks to Todays Mama for the printable.
First official day of spring break was the pajama movie party. Stay in pajamas all day and watch movies?
Yes, please!
Made some flesh eating sugar cookies. Wish I had gotten a pic of the vengeful bunny.
Visited the Lego Exhibit....more on that later.
Found a cool piano and took a picture.
And no week is complete without a homemade pizza and movie. (Hop, of course)
Thanks to my sister in law, we got to take the girls to the Lollipops concert at Abravanel Hall.
(Again...more to come...)
This year's egg coloring was brought to you by Sharpie Markers. The girls had a great time and it didn't require the same level of supervision the liquid dye does.
And then came Easter. But that gets a post all it's own....
I think you need to make me that veggie pizza. Now.
I so want to go to the Lego exhibit!
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