Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Favorites-New Game

It's similar to Marco Polo, but goes something a little more like this:

Babs: Mama
Me: Babs (I actually use her real life nickname, but you get the idea)
Babs: Mama
Me: Babs
Babs: Mama
Me: Babs
Babs: Mama
Me: Babs
Babs: Mama
Me: Babs

We do this all day every day. When I'm not in the room she crawls through the house calling me and I call back until she finds me. She also does it in the car or if she needs just a little bit of comfort knowing I'm close enough to hear her and call her.

She's the Marco to my Polo. That's definitely my favorite game right now.

Check out another Friday Favorite here!

1 comment:

Brad and Jenn said...

I can't believe how big she has gotten! WOW! Look at those eyes!I love how they never get tired of their little games!

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