Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Monday, May 5, 2008

My New Best Friend

Lately I've been trying to "go greener" and have been looking into natural cleaning products and other fun stuff like that. The problem for me is that a lot of the "green" cleaning products that are available to buy are just a little too expensive for my cheap self. So, of course, I did a little on line investigation into natural cleaners. Many different sites and people talked about using baking soda, kosher salt, vinegar and a few other things to clean. On Saturday, I was cleaning the bathroom and was out of bathroom cleaner, so I decided to give baking soda a whirl! It worked so fabulously, I almost didn't believe it. And the bathroom smelled good and clean, not chemically. I was an official convert to baking soda. Last night as I was opening a bottle of grape soda it exploded everywhere. And I mean everywhere. It was a lot of fun....grape soda & white cabinets make for an amazing combination. Anyway, this morning I realized that the soda had stained our light laminate counter top. Out came the baking soda and poof! the stain was gone. Then the excitement really began. I used it on our glass top stove. It's next to impossible to get every little thing off of a glass top stove, but you should see how it shines now! The stains that didn't come off initially were covered in a paste of baking soda and water and left to sit for a while. Then I scrubbed just about everything off the stove. It looks like new.

Yes, I know, I don't get out much. But you'll appreciate this one day when you have a stain that you don't know how to get out or run out of cleaner. At least that's what I tell myself in order to publish this post for all to see.


jillytacy said...

Thanks for the tip, I'll have to give baking soda a try. You're so organized you have your tip for Tip Tuesday already up!

Granmacindyprice said...

Hi there-
Try mixing it with some white vinegar. Works great.

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