Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Have Arrived

There comes a point in everyone's life when they make a certain decision that really, truly makes them officially adults. I think that it's different for everyone. For some it's buying a home. Or it could be getting married or having a child.

For us it is this:

We have purchased our very first mini van. The mortgage, the girls, the dog...they were all just preparing us for our giant leap into adulthood.

We are now officially grown ups.


jillytacy said...

Welcome to adulthood! A minivan certainly equals grownup. Now you can cart the girls and all their friends around.

Suzie said...

Nice! I'm sure Lolly is thrilled. We all know how much she loves the vans.

Brad and Jenn said...

Congrats on the MAV! Now you can have like at least 3 or 4 more cute little munchkins to fill that baby up! In a seriousness, I'm way jealous of the amount and ease you can put your groceries in a van!

Granmacindyprice said...

Congratulations on your
MAV. (Mormon Assault Vehicle)
It's time for a road trip!

Happy Granny said...

I love it, it is a beauty. Now Lolly can be in a van either with mom and dad or grandma and grampa. So is Grandma Van now Grandma Blue Van?

Alveybunch said...

Congrats! Welcome to Adulthood it's a scary place to be!

Trace said...

Hey, I found you on Suzy's Blog and added you to our friendly bloggers. Hope all is going well. Sweet ride!

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