One of the things that I look forward to most at this time of year is giving the perfect gift. Not as in spending the most money, but as in spending the time to find that one gift that you know the person on the receiving end will just love, whether it's homemade or store bought. But, the pressure....THE PRESSURE! So, whenever the new-ish Sears commercial comes on I get totally freaked out!

Now, not only am I trying to find the perfect gift, I've got to grant a wish?! I have to find that special gift that will help my girls become the people they were destined to Ty Pennington's tools?!?! PRESSURE!!!!'s just me?! No one else is on the verge of a breakdown because they need to grant a wish, but they've already pretty much finished their Christmas shopping? Oh. ;o)
Adam's family always tells me how I'm the perfect gift giver. But honestly, I think we're doing a lot of gift cards this year. I just don't have the energy.
I actually love those commercials. They make me dewy every time. Blame it on the hormones.
Actually, I've been grateful to have the shopping pretty much done, so I can now enjoy the commercials with no pressure. It's too late, if the wish isn't granted, it'll have to wait until next year. I also love Macy's "yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and he lives and lives and lives in the hearts of eveyone". It makes me very teary, but I don't have much in the way of hormones, I think it's old age. :)
Uh, yeah, I'm finally thinking about what to get people and hope to actually carry out the deed in the near future. :) Unfortunately I don't believe I will ever really be granting anyone's wish because I tend to be a sucky gift-giver. NYDD makes up for it, though, and is an excellent gift-giver. Now if only I could figure out what to give him. . .
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