First of all, we went to Saver's. Exciting date destination, I know! I was looking for a specific book and also wanted to pick up some new books for the kids. On the plus side, after a few minutes of wandering, Lolly decided she wanted to ride in the cart and look at books while I looked for more books that were in good condition. Bonus for both of us. Also, the deal of the day, I found a Leap Pad reading system for $3. Go us.
Then we headed over to Nordstrom's to pick a little something up (details to follow...again). Little did I know that they were just opening up their new, fancy schmancy store and had a few little extra things going on. In the make-up department they had a free sample (we got lip gloss) and were doing free 2 minute make up touch ups. They actually took at least 30 minutes, but whatever. Lolly insisted that I get this done. I asked her if she wanted to get her make up done and she refused to because she was too little but I had to get mine done. Oh, the things that I sacrifice for my children. Actually, after waiting about 10-15 minutes I suggested that we move along to the rest of the store instead of getting my make up done and she got very upset. So we stayed and I was a little pushy and asked how much longer we had to wait. Shockingly, even though I was standing right there with a stroller and a red head, they had forgotten we were waiting. I guess they could tell that I wasn't actually going to buy anything. ;o) So, we finally got our make up done and the girl who was helping us was so adorable....she put blush and a special pink lipstick on Lolly so we both had our make up done. She was even nice enough to humor me and take a picture of us.

And, I may not be cool enough, but Happy Love Thursday, anyway!
You both look great! And I need to check out the new Nordstroms.
Score on the leap pad! What a fun way to spend some time with Lolly. The touch up at Nordstrom's sounds especially fun.
Sounds like a great day! And, a great Pic!
How super cute are the two of you? I adore this picture. Moms don't always have enough pictures when they are actually in front of the camera, rather than behind it. I am glad you took advantage of your time with Lolly to snap a shot!
Have you checked out the kid's shoe department at Nordstrom? One word: lovely. :)
Look how cute you two are! I love mom and daughter time. And Savers rocks.
What a nice post. Love mommy-daughter time as well. HLT !
I agree, after you have one, having any kind of meaningful time with just one child is precious. You both look great!
Too cute, I'm glad you had such a fun day. It looks like Lolly is just like you and really enjoys being a girl:)
Great picture! You look great my dear and Lolly couldn't be cuter. I'm going have to borrow her when I need a little girly day as I don't think my boys will appreciate it much. :)
Fun day! You have so much fun ahead of you. Love you-
sometimes I really really want a little girl. I am having my surgery tomorrow, and I told the doc that if the Endo is really bad I just want a full hysterectomy. He would not promise me, because he thinks I will regret making that choice in the future. But I am so worried about taking Lupron. I am an absolute nut case on just normal bc pills like yasmin, etc-. Anyways, THANK YOU for posting on my blog. Can I ask you a few questions about your experiences? Email me at, if you want to. And, by the way, little red headed sweetheart is SO adorable!
AWWW HOW CUTE! Seriously,,,she looks like the happiest kid ever!. Where's the new Nordy?
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