Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Monday, April 12, 2010


The return to reality after a vacation can be harsh. In my case, really harsh. Each day around 5, I panic because I realize that I'm now back to being in charge of dinner. And grocery shopping. That would be helpful in making dinner, don't ya think?

All the stresses that I left behind, that are now keeping me up at night, come hurtling back at me. The bills to be paid, the rent to be collected, the laundry to be done, meals to be cooked and the taxes. Oh have mercy, the taxes that haven't been filed yet. Yes, I know it's April 12. Thanks for asking. And I need to find a new family doctor asap. I have two girls that need immunizations next month. Anyone have a fabulous doctor that they want to share with us?

And the mattress. We need a new mattress. It's a major player in the "keeping me up at night" offenses. Also taking recommendations on that one.

Today, my girls have been enjoying the spoils of yesterdays Easter egg hunt with wild abandon and no parental restrictions. My main source of vegetables for the day has been the lettuce from the Krabby Patties. My Lolly has an unnatural love for the Krabby Patties, but doesn't like the lettuce part so that gets passed on to me. Personally, I think they sound like symptoms of an STD. Babs will eat anything made of sugar and has thoroughly enjoyed the Krabby Patties (with lettuce), giant Lemon Heads, jelly beans and suckers all afternoon. Sugar withdrawal is scheduled for tomorrow. Which is perfect since we get to do fun things tomorrow like go to the health department to get birth certificates and go to the bank. And maybe mail our taxes? If I'm lucky.

Well, it's dinner time. And I just found out that we don't have any garlic bread which is what I had planned on serving with the manicotti we brought home from my parents house last night. CG suggested pork and beans. I suggested lettuce from Krabby Patties. I guess we'll have to compromise with frozen veggies.


Kristina P. said...

I don't know what Krabby Patties are, but they don't sound delicious.

Stephanie said...

jed vandenberghe on about 4500 S and Highland Drive is a really great pediatrition.

Just SO said...

I hate that after vacation pile up as well... Good luck on getting caught up to life. I hope you had a good vacation though!

Not From Lapland said...

the post holiday blues, suck don't they? I have no idea what a krabbie patie is, but they sounds quite foul.

Suzie said...

Why are you getting a new doc? Knights Furniture (on 90th South just off the freeway) is where we got our mattress. We got a pretty good deal on it and it's a little piece of heaven every night I got to bed.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Krabby Patties are a gummy candy that are made to look like the Krabby Patties on Sponge Bob Square Pants. They're about as yummy as they sound. The odd thing is that Lolly really doesn't have much of a sweet tooth except for when it comes to Krabby Patties.

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