Why, yes, it is yet another birthday post! My birthday! But that's in a minute. First, we have a completely random thing to discuss. I've been thinking about birthdays. Specifically the placement in my family. My mom's birthday is 12 days before my sister's birthday (oldest child) and 2 days before mine. My little Lolly girl was born about 2.5 weeks before my birthday. My sister's daughter was born 15 days before her own birthday. One of my aunts birthday happens to fall 13 days before her first daughter was born. And if I'm remembering correctly (probably not) another aunt's birthday is about 2.5 weeks before her second daughters birthday. I can't remember all the birthdays, but are we noticing a theme here? Also, my grandmother just happened to be born exactly 80 years before my little Babs. And her second cousin who was born just hours later. I warned you that tangent would be random.....
As I was saying....my birthday. The big 3-2. And we celebrated in high fashion. The only way to celebrate this year, in my humble opinion. We took the girls to the Hansen Planetarium. By way of The Train. Two train rides just 2.5 weeks apart?! That excitement can not be paralleled.
But first, I got to open my gift. CG was as giddy as my girls at the thought of my opening my gift, even though they didn't actually know what it was. But opening gifts....that's exciting. As much as I love my wonderful Nikon P80 that I got last year, it's a bit big. And I worry when I carry it around a lot that it'll get broken. Not for major things, but it's not the kind of camera that can be carried around in the purse for impromptu pictures. I've used my cell phone on more than one occasion but it's not exactly state of the art. It has been suggested about my phone that 1982 wants it's phone back from me. And after months of, well I wouldn't say whining, but out loud wishing for a point and shoot, CG delivered.

And it's PINK. He done good.

After we prettied ourselves up, we headed off for a day on the town. Lolly had gotten two children's passes for the Hansen Planetarium for participating in her school Reflections contest so there was one for her and one for Babs. If I didn't know better, I would think she planned it that way. And, thanks to
UTA and the Mom Aboard campaign, it was a very budget friendly day.
On the train on our way downtown. Poor little Babs fell asleep on the way there, before the excitement even began!

Fun at the planetarium!

I love you to the moon and back!

Life on Mars...It's Fun

The ride home. Birthdays around here are always celebrated well!

Did I mention the flowers? There was also chocolate cake. That I didn't have to make. Yum.
Happy birthday! I love that you got a little camera. You'll use it all the time, I'm sure. I think the planetarium is a great place to celebrate it.
Oh my. Looks like a fun time was had by all! Hope you had a fantastic birthday!
You guys just have too much fun!
Glad to hear your family knows how to treat you well on your special day.
My family as a thing for May birthdays. We've got 9 in just one week, plus five more scattered throughout the month!
Happy Birthday! I'm glad you got out and did something fun!
Is the "Mom Aboard" some kind discount? I'm thinking of taking Ian for a train ride soon.
Happy Birthday! it sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate. The pictures are great. The girls are getting so big!!!!
A pink camera! I love it! At what point will I outgrow my deep passion for the colour pink? I'm going to guess never.
You are funny!! Also I love that the hubby delivered!!! I am the same, I have mine nice big DSLR but everyone needs a point and shoot to put in the purse. Happy Birthday!! Man we are getting old together!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the photos!
Wow, your camera is great, it takes very clear pictures. I'm glad you had a happy birthday, as I've told you in the past, you're the best birthday present I ever got. xoxoxoxo
Happy, happy birthday!!!
I can't believe how big your girls are getting!!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
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