Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tip Tuesday-Put Those Expired Coupons To Good Use!

You may or may not already know this, but you can donate your expired coupons to overseas military families.  The coupons can be used for six months after the expiration date in the overseas military commissaries.  Food can be a lot more expensive and the simple act of sharing our expired coupons can help these families that sacrifice so much to help protect this great country.

There are various ways of sending them to the military.  The following websites over a few options.

There is the Overseas Coupon Program where you can adopt a specific military base to send them to.   

Then there is Troopons and Coups For Troops.  You can send your coupons directly to them and then they distribute them to military bases that can use them. 

It's such a simple thing to do.  And it's the very least we can do to say thank you to these families that do so much for us.


Jessica G. said...

Wow, what a great idea! I don't coupon but I will try and pass the word on.

Emily said...

I had no idea! Awesome!

Barett said...

Thanks for the post. I wrote about it on my blog as well. What a great idea especially for this week of the 4th of July.

Jessica G. said...

Hey! Guess what?? You won my Savanna Hill jewelry giveaway! WOOT! Email me, chica!

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