Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Speed Hump Photo Op

Our neighborhood is classy.  Oh, the people are fine, but the street signs fodder.  Or joke fodder.  Because we have signs like this:
In all honesty, I have mocked these signs a time or two.  And someone has painted "me" in glow in the dark paint on one of them.  It wasn't me but I do applaud them for their creativity. 

But this week I saw something that I found to be a bit disturbing.  Maybe I'm just a prude.  Maybe I'm out of touch with modern day teens.  But I was deeply disturbed.

Picture it.....

I was heading out of the neighborhood on one of the endless errands that has had to be run this week.  I was stopped to turn and happened to notice two teenage girls standing by one of the signs.  Judging from their faces, I would guess they were 13-14 years old.  Judging by their appearance I would guess they were fresh off the Las Vegas Strip. 

As I was watching, a woman (I'm assuming the mother of one of them) climbed out of the giant SUV parked (poorly) right near by.  With a camera.  To take a picture of two young girls posing with a "Speed Hump" sign.  Not adults taking a picture of a tacky street sign to put on Facebook.  But two children

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I thought that was trashy.  Or maybe she was just thinking of their future and having them practice on that pole until they graduate to the next pole.  So tell me...what do YOU think?!


grouchyteacher said...

You're right. Parents should not encourage their kids to be this way. I will, though, admit to having my picture taken under the Virgin sign on the way to Zion National Park when I was in college.

hairyshoefairy said...

Yeah, that's icky. I, too, have laughed quite often about the "hump" signs. Really? Who calls them speed humps? Everywhere else calls them bumps. It's a little thing but it's big.

Happy Granny said...

My complaint with all of it is that childhood is disappearing. Instead of being children in a child's world, so many are being allowed or pushed into the "cuteness"? of being a miniature adult. It's not cute, it's sad, and I'm glad your blogger moms what to protect their kids and their childhoods. I will get off my soapbox now,thank you.
PS and yes, it is also trashy,not funny.

jillytacy said...

The sign is hilarious but having two teenagers take a picture with it is terrible! I agree totally trashy and not funny for kids!

Emily said...

Agree that the sign is funny. (I took a similar photo for a post on my site!) I also agree I wouldn't snap a photo of my pre-teen--or teen--daughters in front of it!

Kristina P. said...

DeNae and I took a picture with a sign like this, when I was in Vegas. I may have put my leg around it like a stripped pole. I am also 25. Cough, cough.

Anonymous said...

Speed Hump? Awkward.
What do you do with the other 3 minutes then?

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