Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Good News!

Last May I had decided to try a little gardening experiment and plant some garlic.  Like, straight out of my fridge and popped into the ground.  Surprisingly, it grew really well.  Until it got hot.  Then it just kind of withered away even though I told it how pretty it was and encourage it to stick around.  I had intended to dig it up last fall to see how much it had grown, but, like all my other good intentions, it just didn't come to fruition.

I had read that you can plant garlic in February so I was totally ready to plant it in February.  Then a washer lid fell on my face and I had to have surgery and blah blah didn't happen.  It would have to wait until October, which would probably be better since that's when you're supposed to plant it. 

On Saturday CG was tilling the garden so we can plant our early things and just happened upon a little surprise.

Can you see it?

Let's get a little closer.....

And a little bit closer.....
Oh yes, that is my beautiful garlic!  Defying all odds and growing up through the leaves to triumph in it's awesomeness!  All eight of them! 

My favorite is the one that grew right through the leaf.  And yes, I realize I'm a total nerd.


Emily said...

Please help me with my garden again this year. PLEASE!

Barbaloot said...

Nerds are totally in so this is cool. Congrats on your garlic:)

Kristina P. said...

Can you plant crap for me? I might even plant some bulbs that will die immediately!

Jody said...

That is pretty cool!

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