Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Favorite-Super Princess Power

Recently we got to attend a super fun Batman birthday party. When the birthday boy delivered the invitation, Lolly asked him if she could come as a princess. He was politely disgusted and said that there would be no princesses at the party. It worked out well since we didn't have any capes in our dress up box and this gave me a real life deadline to have them made. They were super easy and the girls loved them. Have you ever seen cuter Super Princesses?!


Kristina P. said...

You are just delightful.

Shauna said...

Hope you have a great 4th of July weekend :)

Happy Granny said...

Horray for the Power of the Princess! What great capes, makes Batman look a bit lame. :)

hairyshoefairy said...

Nice improv. They look so cute!

Trace said...

I looooved the princess capes. The world needs more pink super heroes. Sorry my son was so anti-princess. We are still getting used the the girl thing at our house.

rychelle said...

they are SUPER cute!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

awesome...simply awesome!!!!

Jo said...

You are a GREAT mom!

peewee said...

They are so cute I cant' even stand it!!

Alveybunch said...

Very talented and creative!!!

zoo keeper said...

can you make me a pink cape??

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