Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Less Words Wednesday-Because I Can't Do Wordless

Dexter has issues with running away.  Probably because I'm a bad dog mom.  He is horribly neglected and ignored, as you can tell by this picture.


Cecily R said...

Fear of being a bad dog mom is only ONE of the reasons we don't have a dog (much to the dismay of everyone else in the family). Dexter looks pretty darn contented to me! :)

zoo keeper said...

awww you're a good dog mommy but i still wanna know what happened to the cat

Kristina P. said...

Maybe your dog and our hypothetical dog can hook up someday.

Jessica G. said...

I need a DOG!!!! WAAAAAAHHH!

peewee said...


Missy said...

Poor dog...

Melissa said...

Oh, you are cruel!

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