Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer Highlights

Our summer has been amazing.  We have done lots of fun stuff and lots of simple, hang out stuff.  I have horded my children to myself and not done very many play dates.  It has gone by way too fast and now that we're on the very last day of summer vacation, this mama is sad.  But instead of whining, we're going to relive some highlights of our summer.  I'll save the whining for another day.

Swimming Lessons

On the last day of swimming lessons they got to pick a treat from the candy machines.  I'm a big spender. 
Fourth of July Hair and Patriotic Pedicures!

Annual Trip to Bear Lake!

Had a great time at the closing social of EVO'12.

And even wore the face paint to church the next day.  Oops.
Celebrated CG's birthday going to a nickle arcade and giving him binoculars to use when he goes to Cirque de Soleil in November. 

Made a paper chain to count down the days until school started.  It lasted about two days before we forgot about it.

And, of course, back to school shopping.

Had a couple of lady bug picnics and even made some colorful bubbles. 

We need more summer. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

Love this, especially the cute 4th of July hair! Can you come over and do my girls' hair? :)

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