Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

All This New Fangled Technology

I'm just all about being a techno-geek. Or at least trying to look like I know what I'm doing. I have a huge announcement......I'm now on Twitter. I did it. I'm a Tweeter. If you'd like to tweet with me, as soon as I actually figure it all out, I'm Ladyof PC.

Also, I'm now on Facebook. The real me has been on for a while, but now the blog me will be there as well. It was being difficult. Still is. But my name on Facebook is Lady Perpetual-Chaos. Apparently Facebook is offended by the word "of" and would not allow me to use it in any form.

Surely this makes me super cool, right?! I mean, I don't have any followers or friends, but I'm still super cool. Yep, I can just feel my coolness.......


rychelle said...

your coolness is RADIATING! ;)

Kristina P. said...

Twitter?!?! I don't even know you anymore!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

I dont do does that make me uncool??? man that so sucks!!

but hey you are yay you!

Happy Granny said...

So now that I'm hopelessly lost in Facebook, I now need to figure out how to tweet or twoot or twit also? Wish me luck, I am so uncool, there's not much hope. xoxoxo

Messy Musings said...

What a grand announcement that you are now known as a twit!! Hope it doesn't cause you to become twitterpated on us!! ;-)

Missy said...

Facebook is my enemy! Just can't do it!

peewee said...

you ARE super cool and if it weren't for the fact that I completely forgot that you live in Utah I SURELY would have stalked you and your girls and your dog too!

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