Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tip Tuesday-Secret to My Success Part 29

Lately we've been playing rhyming games with Lolly to help her out with...I don't know exactly. But on PBS it says to play rhyming games with your kids because it helps them to get ready to read and write. What can I say, I do what PBS tells me to. Anyway, we often do it after dinner (at the table) so the whole family can get in on the rhyming action. Here's a little example to share with you....

Me: How about words that rhyme with "two"!
Lolly: Froo!
Me: Honey, that does sound the same, but froo is not actually a word. Good try though!
Lolly: Sure it's a when you go froo something.


Kristina P. said...

She's so right!

peewee said...


~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

yes mom ...dont you go "froo" things???? heheh Kids say the cutest things!!!!

Jill K said...

HAHA! I love it!

JennyMac said...

HAHAHA. Too cute.

drbj said...

"Froo" is a lot more genteel to overhear than what my son used to say when he saw a big truck lumber by. He couln't pronounce the "tr" so he would yell, "Ma, look at the big fruck!" Fortunately, he grew out of that by the time he was 32.

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