Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

On the band wagon I jump...

I just learned from The Motherboard that today is National Delurker Day. And, as we all know, I am all about holiday celebrations. And blindly following those around me.
To honor this grandest of holidays, we're supposed to delurk by leaving a comment. Now, I'm looking right at all 5 of my readers.....I expect a comment out of each and every one of you. You can tell me how wonderful I am or how beautiful my children are or your favorite books or why you think I'm a total loony tune or your New Years Resolutions. Anonymous or not. Whatever. I'm not picky.

Let the delurking begin.........NOW!

How 'bout now?

And now?

My 5 year old loves doing this whenever she's asking for something and the first answer is "not yet". It's fun. Really.


Jessica G. said...

IWhile I read your posts, I don't always comment (mainly because can'y find anything witty to say) so does this count as de-lurking?

Jessica G. said...

And I really ought to proof-read before hitting the ol' publish button...

hairyshoefairy said...

You're totally wonderful and you do have beautiful children. And my favorite book, well, there are too many, and I'm glad you're a total loony tune because I am, too, and I think you already read about my resolutions so I won't post them all here. Happy delurking day!

Happy Granny said...

Can Grandmas delurk? I'm not sure what that is, but I like the part about your children being beautiful, because they truly are. I also love celebrating as many holidays as we can find, and I have nothing to say about you being a looney tune, because I have a worry it may be inherited (sorry). And I have no New Year's resolutions, I'm just glad to be here and love to read your blog. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

your blog makes me smile

Barbaloot said...

Well, I'm not really a lurker, but figured I'd comment anyway:)

Messy Musings said...

You're beautiful, and your children are wonderful (or is that the other way around?). Either way it's true!!

Favorite book? Too many books, too little time!!

peewee said...

I never lurk! Your blog is EXTREMELY comment worthy!!

Camille said...

I lurk - just not regularly! (hence the late comment on your blog).

I gotta keep up with the chaos! :)

Just SO said...

I haven't been able to be around as much as I would like lately so it may seem like I'm delurking but I'm not.

Love the new logo!

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