Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tip Tuesday-My Hair

My hair. **sigh** There's so much to say and so little of any worth. I hear that people can actually go and get their hair cut/colored/whatever and leave with what they asked for and be happy with the style they have.

It seems I am not one of those people. When I get my hair cut on the spur of the moment (it took all my self control not to type "sperm" instead of "spur"....oh wait...) things like this happen. That was an unfortunate hair time.

Or, the guy that I have gone to since high school starts talking on the phone/with other clients during the entire hair cut and lacks the time to style it after you cut, say, 10 inches off. He's good, don't get me wrong. And I know that because he's $$$. But still. And when I go to someone else in his salon, thinking it will be fine. It's not. Awkward. So, I need to find someone else. **sigh**

My current dilemma? I'm thinking about bangs. Not the high stylin' 80's bangs, but the more conservative side swept bangs. But I hesitate. Because when I've had bangs in the past I've had some really fun cowlick action happening so that they would separate every 1/4 inch across my head in a fluffy manner. It was attractive. And also before I had a flat iron. And I wonder if the flat iron will save me from bad bangs.

I'm seriously considering bangs lately because I feel like a giant face. Because I have no bangs to hide my forehead. And I have a large manly face. **double sigh**

So, I come to you my Internet Friends. What are your thoughts on bangs? In general? On my manly mug? Flat iron versus giant fluffy, cowlicky bangs? I need advice before I do something drastic. Like go to Fantastic Sam's.


Just SO said...

I'm not a big fan of bangs but that's because they don't look good on me. I'm not one to ask for hair advice either since I've given over to letting my hair go gray. I wish I had more advice but I don't. Sorry.

Screwed Up Texan said...

lol Go read my blog today. I made the plunge and am not so sure of the results, although it seems like almost everyone else loves my new bangs.

hairyshoefairy said...

Honey, honey, honey! As you find yourself in the car on the way to Not-So-Fantastic Sam's steer your car my direction. I'm completely serious. Just drop by if that's what it takes. No appointment needed. I will cut your hair for you! I will even discuss bangs with you, though I will have to look at your cowlicks and growth streams before I give my opinion and reasoning. Not joking here. I will do it for you because I love you and because I don't want you to have to endure any more unfortunate haircuts. Plus, I'm way closer than any other salon and your little girlies can happily tear Peanut's room apart while you're here so you won't have to worry about them.

Messy Musings said...

Manly mug? HARDLY!!

Bangs? Unfortunately a must-have for me (I have a truly ugly forehead that gives myself and others horrible nightmares).

I say you should take up hairyshoefairy on the offer. If you don't like it - remember, with a little time, it will always grow again.

Suzie said...

My transition to bangs was a success and I am happy. I too have the lovely family cowlick, but you can train your hair so it hasn't been an issue. You're hair has proven more manageable than mine with the weird waves so I say go for it. BUT there are different types of bangs. . . so choose wisely. The right style makes all the difference in the world.

Happy Granny said...

If you weren't feeling so badly, I would laugh right out loud. You have bang issues, but you hardly have a manly face! Your face has always been one step above a pixie. Your face is feminine and beautiful, but bad haircuts and being blown of by C can be truly demoralizing. Take shoefairy's advice and offer. She knows you, likes you and can help you really figure out the best way to go to get what you want. A haircut that is done well and suits you makes all the difference in the world, so get your confidence back (because you really do have nice hair, weird cowlick and all) and try someone new. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

You, my dear are beautiful and your gorgeous daughters are a testament to that!!! Personally I like bangs, except that you have to get them cut more often.

steenky bee said...

Okay, first, you do not have a manly face! Get a new mirror. Second: bangs are hot right now, but you need to go to someone who understands you, your hair and your lifestyle in order to get you the perfect bangs. So, I'm curious, it's been a few weeks since you posted this. What's your bang verdict?

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