Names have been changed to protect the innocent...and my husband...and me...but not the dog. His name is Dexter.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Facebook Etiquette Part II

This is all I got for today. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

A good article and how funny is it that nearly all the categories have someone on facebook that does those very things and you've probably came to the same conclusions. :)

Messy Musings said...

I just read that - before checking your blog. Guess great minds read alike?

zoo keeper said...

I don't call it the Friend-Padder i call them Facebook whores(is that how you spell whore)anyways oh wait does tha tmake me The Bad Grammarian?? tell me what you think...

Helena said...

I think I've maybe been guilty of lurking. Just to find out how some 'friends' sell themselves elsewhere. Quite frankly, it bores me shitless. And so would they if I'd met them their first!

Jill K said...

Haha! My husband is the lurker.

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